اسئلة النسائية 2018 (2)

1 ) All of the following are indications for induction of labor except ?
A . Prolonged pregnancy .
B . IUGR .
C . Abnormal lie .
D . Gestational HTN .
E . Term decreased fetal movement .

 2 ) The best method to diagnose endometriosis is ?
A . Laparotomy .
B . CT scan .
C . MRI .
D . Ultrasound scan .
E . Laparoscopy .

 3 ) The oxygenated blood is allowed into the fetal body by ?
A . Foramen ovale .
B . Ductus venosus .
C . Right ventricle .
D . Umbilical arteries .
E . Fetal aorta .

 4 ) Apgar score parameters include all of the following except ?
A . Respiratory rate .
B . Pulse rate .
C . Response to stimuli .
D . Colour .
E . Tone .

 5 ) All are causes of regular heavy periods except ?
A . Endometrial polyp .
B . Endometriosis .
C . Hypothyroidism .
D . Fibroids .
E . OCPs .

 6 ) The maximum number of oogonia are formed at what age female life ?
A . One month intrauterine .
B . Five months intrauterine .
C . At birth .
D . At puberty .
E . At 21 years of age .

7 ) A primigravida is in second stage of labor for the past 2 hours . Fetal head is at first station . In spite of effective uterine contractions, mother is unable to push as she is exhausted . The best next step is ?
A . Wait for another one hour .
B . Give sedation to the mother .
C . Shift her for emergency cesarean section .
D . Instrumental delivery .
E . Give oxytocin to the mother .

8 ) 23 years old primigravida presents to you at 14 weeks of gestation . She is concerned about normality of fetus . At what time you will advise her detailed fetal anomaly scan ?
A . 22 _ 24 weeks .
B . 14 _ 16 weeks .
C . 18 _ 22 weeks .
D . 10 _ 14 weeks .
E . 24 _ 28 weeks .

 9 ) The most significant risk factor for placental abruption is ?
A . Trauma .
B . Polyhydramnios .
C . Short cord .
D . Preeclampsia .
E . Chorioamnionitis .

 10 ) The most frequent symptom of ectopic pregnancy ?
A . Dizziness .
B . Vaginal bleeding .
C . Abdominal pain .
D . Collapse .
E . Frequency of micturition .

11 ) Fetal hyperinsulinemia causes of increase growth of the following tissue except ?
A . Heart
B . Liver
C . Brain
D . Subcutaneous fat
E . Muscles

 12 ) Bishop score include all of the following except ?
A . Cervical position .
B . Cervical consistency .
C . Cervical dilation .
D . Station of the presenting part .
E . The colour of the amniotic fluid .

 13 ) When a 45 years old lady , gravida 6 , para 6 , presented with typically complaint of heavy menstrual bleeding together with dyspareunia . The logic first diagnosis must jump ?
A . Ectopic pregnancy .
B . Endometriosis .
C . Endometrial cancer .
D . Uterine fibroids .
E . Adenomyosis .

 14 ) All of the following may be found in ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome except ?
A . Large ovaries bilateral .
B . Hydrothorax may develop .
C . Ascites may develop .
D . Hypovolemia develop .
E . Hyperproteinemia may develop .

15 ) Investigations for recurrent abortion may include all of the following except ?
A . Transvaginal ultrasound .
B . Thrombophilia screening .
C . TORCH screening .
D . Parental karotyping .
E . Hysterscopy .

 16 ) The best independent predictor of induction of labor success at the time of initiation is ?
A . Cervical effacement
B . Cervical position
C . Cervical dilation
D . Cervical consistency
E . Station of the head

17 ) The first logic diagnostic test for patient with excessive bleeding per vagina is ?
A . Pregnancy test .
B . Pelvic ultrasonography .
C . Endometrial biopsy .
D . Complete blood count .
E . Coagulation tests .

 18 ) A 45 year old lady complaining of breathlessness and who was noted to have unilateral ovarian mass . The most likely diagnosis is ?
A . Follicular cyst .
B . Fibroma .
C . Serous cystadenoma .
D . Teratoma .
E . Granulosa cell tumor .

 19 ) All are true for the presentation of over active bladder except ?
A . Increased urinary frequency .
B . Uregency .
C . Urge incontinence .
D . The sudden desire to void at large urine volume .
E . Infection should be ruled out .

 20 ) The elevation of basal body temperature just before ovulation is related mainly to ?
A . Central effect of progesterone .
B . The luteinizing hormone surge .
C . Effect of specific sex hormone binding globulin .
D . Immunologic reaction effect of the pituitary hormones .
E . Transformation of follicular endometrium into secretory endometrium .

 21 ) Regarding antenatal care , all of the following statements are correct except ?
A . Regular antenatal care detect hydrops fetalis by ultrasound .
B . Regular antenatal care can minimize the risk of postterm pregnancies .
C . Pelvic examination is done routinely .
D . Mothers who are seronegative for rubella should be immunized after delivery .
E . Screening for group B streptococcus reduces the risk of neonatal sepsis .

 22 ) All of the following are prerequisites for the application of instrumental delivery except ?
A . The cervix is dilated 8 cm .
B . Maternal bladder is empty .
C . The fetal head is engaged .
D . The fetal position is known .
E . The mother has adequate analgesia .

23 ) All of the following are indications for forceps delivery except ?
A . Prolonged second stage of labor .
B . Macrosomia in gestational diabetes mellitus .
C . Fetal distress in second stage of labor .
D . Maternal cardiac disease .
E . Poor maternal effort .

24 ) Regarding cervical incompetence , only one of the following is correct ?
A . Is a common cause of first trimester abortion .
B . Can only be diagnosed by clinical history .
C . Commonly occur following multiple pregnancy .
D . May be congenital .
E . Requires a cervical cerclage before 10 weeks gestation .

 25 ) Concerning genital prolapse , all are true except ?
A . Postnatal physiotherapy should be encouraged .
B . Loss of estrogen is a risk factor .
C . Multiparity is a risk factor .
D . Surgical repair is one of the modalities of treatment .
E . Common with repeated operative deliveries .

 26 ) Factors that increase the risk of genital prolapse include all of the following except ?
A . Hysterectomy .
B . Forceps delivery .
C . Prolonged labor .
D . Chronic constipation .
E . Repeated cesarean section .

27 ) In Jordan , which of the following is used for treatment of drinking water ?
A . Chlorine .
B . Iodine .
C . Fluorine .
D . Carbon dioxide .
E . Ozone .

 28 ) Regarding endometrial carcinoma , all of the following statements are correct except ?
A . Rare occur before the age of 40 .
B . Adenocarcinoma is the commonest type .
C . Usually present with postmenopausal bleeding .
D . The diagnosis may be suspected by abnormal pap smear .
E . Usually advanced stage at the time of diagnosis

 29 ) Regarding staging classification of cervical cancer , all are true except ?
A . Stage one confined to cervix .
B . Stage two B obvious parametrial involvement .
C . Stage three extends to pelvic side wall .
D . Stage three extends to lower third of vagina or hydronephrosis .
E . Stage four A metastasis in the lung .

30 ) A primigravida admitted with rhythmic uterine contractions every 5 minutes and cervix is 2 cm dilated and 1 cm long . She is in ?
A . Latent phase of labor .
B . Active phase of labor .
C . Second stage of labor .
D . Not in labor .
E . Late first stage of labor .

 31 ) All of the following increase during normal pregnancy except ?
A . Cardiac output .
B . White blood cells .
C . Peripheral vascular resistance .
D . Heart rate .
E . Red cell mass .

 32 ) Factors that increase the risk of thromboembolism in pregnancy include all the following except ?
A . Suppression of lactation with estrogen .
B . Prolonged hospital stay .
C . Induction of labor .
D . Cardiac disease .
E . Thrombophilia .

 33 ) The most common cause of secondary postpartum hemorrhage is ?
A . Uterine fibroids .
B . Coagulation defect .
C . Trauma to genital tract .
D . Infection .
E . Abnormal arteriovenous formation .

34 ) Regarding bacterial vaginosis , all are true except ?
A . Clue cell's are present .
B . It is a sexual transmitted disease .
C . Can cause preterm labor .
D . It causes homogeneous , gray and thin vaginal discharge .
E . Metronidazole used for treatment .

 35 ) In severe preeclampsia , one is true ?
A . Blood pressure 140/90 with +1 protein in urine .
B . Blood pressure 150/90 with 2 grams protein in urine .
C . Blood pressure 150/90 with +2 protein in urine .
D . Blood pressure 160/110 with headache and blurred vision .
E . Blood pressure 140/95 with trace protein in urine .

 36 ) All of the following are indications of delivery in preterm rupture of membranes except ?
A . Meconium liquor .
B . Vaginal bleeding .
C . Elevated white blood cells and increase neutrophils .
D . Fetal distress .
E . Oblique lie .

 37 ) A 20 years old pregnant lady , G2P1 , lactating with a missed period of 6 weeks .presented with minimal vaginal bleeding , and abdominal pain . B_HCG ( 630 ml IU/ml ) , she had stable vital signs . The best management ?
A . Repeat B_HCG after 48 hours .
B . Diagnostic laparoscopy .
C . Laparotomy .
D . Methotrexate .
E . See the mother in one week time .

 38 ) In placenta previa , only one statement is correct ?
A . Vaginal examination is safe .
B . Abdominal ultrasound is not accurate .
C . Uterus is tender on palpation .
D . High incidence of intrauterine fetal death .
E . High risk of postpartum hemorrhage .

 39 ) Which artery is considered to be important to differentiate between site of origin in inguinal hernia ?
A . Cremasteric artery .
B . Superior epigastric artery .
C . Inferior epigastric artery .
D . Femoral artery .
E . Superficial iliac circumflex artery .

 40 ) Principles of the management of septic abortion include all of the following except ?
A) Cervical swab for culture .
B ) IV antibiotics .
C) Correction of hypovolemia .
D) Immediate evacuation of the uterus .
E) Cross matching for 2 units of blood .

 41 ) Oligohydramnios can be found in all of the following except ?
A . Fetal renal agenesis .
B . Postterm pregnancy .
C . Rupture of membrane .
D . Anencephaly .
E . Posterior urethral valve anomaly of the fetus .

 42 ) After multifetal pregnancy has been first diagnosed early in gestation . The most important next step is ?
A . Determination of chorionicity .
B . Check the gender of the twins .
C . Diagnosis of possible anomalies .
D . Localization of the placenta .
E . Rule out TTT syndrome .

 43 ) A para 1 , just had vacuum delivery of 3 kg baby and complete delivery of placenta , started bleeding . The uterus was felt 2 cm below the umbilicus and firm . The most likely cause is ?
A . Uterine atony .
B . Retained placental tissue .
C . DIC .
D . Infections .
E . Genital tract trauma .

 44 ) A 39 years old woman para 6 has presented with complaint of postcoital bleeding for the past three months . Your first investigation should be ?
A . Dilation and curettage .
B . Cone biopsy of cervix .
C . Pap smear .
D . Colposcopy .
E . Laparoscopy .

45 ) A 40 years old multiparous woman complains of involuntary loss of urine associated with coughing , lifting or standing . The history is most suggestive of ?
A . Fistula .
B . Stress incontinence .
C . Urge incontinence .
D . UTI .
E . Urethral diverticulum .

 46 ) 28 years old woman with previous history of having baby with Down syndrome , she is now 12 weeks pregnant . Which of the following would be suggest ?
A . Amniocentesis .
B . Obstetric ultrasound .
C . Chorionic villus sampling .
D . Fetal blood sampling .
E . Wait till 18 weeks for detailed ultrasound .

47 ) Regarding primary dysmenorrhea , one is true ?
A . It usually seen in the third and fourth decay of female life .
B . It occurs few days before the cycle and is relieved by the Onest of the cycle .
C . It is dull aching pain in nature .
D . Can be relieved by contraceptive pills .
E . It is relieved after marriage

 48 ) For universal screening and diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy . The first step involves screening test at ?
A . Gestational age 10 _ 12 weeks .
B . Gestational age 14 _ 16 weeks .
C . Gestational age 20 _ 24 weeks .
D . Gestational age 24 _ 28 weeks .
E . Gestational age 18 _ 22 weeks .

49 ) All of the following are relative contraindications for combined oral contraceptive pills except ?
A . Gallbladder disease .
B . DM with vascular disease .
C . Major surgeries with prolonged immobilization .
D . Migraine and age over 35 years of age .
E . Family history of DVT in first degree relative under the age of 45 years .


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