اسئلة النسائية 2018 (1)

1) The smallest diameter of the true pelvis is ?
A . True conjugate
B . Obstetric conjugate
C . Diagonal conjugate
D . Transverse diameter
E . Oblique diameter

 2) Regarding gestational trophoblastic neoplasia ( GTN) all of the following are correct except ?
A . Complete mole associated with presence of fetal and embryonic tissue .
B . Incomplete mole associated with focal swelling of chorionic villi .
C . Karyotype of partial mole usually triploidy .
D . Theca lutein ovarian cysts develop in about half of patients with complete mole .
E . Snow storm appearance on ultrasound is characteristic for complete mole .

 3) A healthy woman complaining of crying , insomnia , feeling low , mood lability 3 day after normal delivery , the most likely cause is ?
A . Postpartum depression
B . Postpartum psychosis
C . Postpartum psychosis
D . Postpartum neurosis
E . Postpartum schizophrenia

 4) Women with uterine fibroid can present with all of the following except ?
A . Menorrhagia
B . Increased frequency
C . Infertility
D . Abdominal and pelvic pain
E . Spasmotic dysmenorrhoea

5) All of the following are absolute indications for cesarean section except ?
A . Cord prolapse
B . No progression of labor
C . Previous one cesarean section
D . Cervical obstruction
E . Transverse lie

 6)Fetal tachycardia on CTG may be caused by all of the following except ?
A . Maternal fever
B . Prematurity
C . Thyrotoxicosis
D . Maternal SLE
E . Maternal chorioamnionitis

 7) A 26 years old lady , had forceps delivery , after uneventful delivery of the placenta , she started to have heavy vaginal bleeding , the uterus was firm , the most likely cause for the bleeding is ?
A . Uterine atony
B . Retained placenta
C . Infective uterus
D . Genital trauma
E . Coagulopathy

8) ) The most common presenting symptom of PID is ?
A . Vaginal discharge
B . Lower abdominal pain
C . Fever
D . Dyspareunia
E . Menorrhagia

 9) If a pregnant lady had last menstrual period 1 October , presented at 1 July for her routine antenatal care , and her exam showed symphysis fundal height of 31 cm , all of the following could be possible causes except ?
A . Wrong date of last menstruation .
B . Rupture of membrane .
C . Fetal demise .
D . Transverse lie .
E . Hydatidiform mole .
 10) Regarding ectopic pregnancy one of the following is true ?
A . A positive pregnancy test is enough for diagnosis .
B . Vaginal bleeding is always present .
C . Surgical treatment in most of the case's .
D . Most cases developed rupture of tubes .
E . IUD is risk factor .

 11) You are examining a 34 year old woman ( gravida 3 , Para 2 ) at 38 weeks gestation . She is in labor 5 cm cervical dilation . There is no fetal part in the pelvis . Ultrasound reports notes a transverse lie with fetal back up towards the maternal arms . The best management is ?
A . Expectant management anticipating spontaneous vagina delivery .
B . Tocolysis .
C . External version .
D . Cesarean section .
E . Expectant management expecting forceps rotation after complete dilation .

12) A 35 year old complains of increasing dysmenorrhoea and pelvic pain . She has not become pregnant despite 3 years of unprotected intercourse . Her pelvic exam demonstrates tenderness and nodularity over her uterosacral ligament and 4 cm right ovarian cyst . Most likely diagnosis is ?
A . Adenomyosis
B . Endometriosis
C . Chronic ectopic pregnancy
D . Chronic PID
E . Chronic pelvic congestion syndrome

 13) Regarding bacterial vaginosis one is true ?
A . It is caused by Trichomonas vaginalis .
B . 50% of case's are silent and no treatment required .
C . Yellow frothy vaginal discharge .
D . Petechiae on vagina and cervix .
E . Intense genital pruritus .

 14) All of the following are recommended treatment option for patient with endometriosis except ?
C . GnRH agonist
D . Estrogen therapy
E . Mirena IUD
 15 ) In Amenorrhea , all of the following may be relevant except ?
B . Skull X_Ray
C . Thyroid function test
D . Progestin challenge test
E . B_ HCG serum

 16 ) In patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism , the typical pattern of FSH _ LH is ?
A . Decreased LH , increased FSH .
B . Decreased FSH , increased LH .
C . Decreased both LH and FSH .
D . Increased both LH and FSH .
E . Normal LH , decreased FSH .

 17) An arterial anastomosis is formed in the broad ligament by branches of the ?
A . Tubal artery and ovarian artery .
B . Uterine artery and tubal artery .
C . Uterine artery and ovarian artery .
D . Tubal artery and uterine artery .
E . Hemorroidal artery and uterine artery .

 18) Regarding breastfeeding , one of the following is false ?
A . Can inhibit ovulation .
B . Is not recommended in case of HIV infection .
C . Is not absolutely contraindicated in case of HBV infection .
D . Methimazole is preferable in case of hyperthyroidism .
E . Is contraindicated in case of Galactosemia .

 19 ) A 28 year old patient complains of Amenorrhea after D and C . She denies any other complaints and did not require a blood transfusion at the time and after delivery . Which of the following is most likely diagnosis ?
A . Gonadal dysgenesis
B . Sheehan syndrome
C . Kallmann syndrome
D . Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser syndrome
E . Asherman syndrome

20) A 47 year old female who completed her family , presented to the clinic with new onset of heavy menstrual bleeding , endometrial biopsy showed no malignancy . All are true in management except ?
A . Tranexamic acid can help in control of symptoms .
B . Mirena is one of the options .
C . Combined OCP is useful in management .
D . NSAIDs have a great benefits .
E . Hysterectomy the best option .
 21) Before puberty the PH of the vagina is ?
A . 6.8 _ 7.2
B . 5.8 _ 6.2
C . 4.5 _ 5.2
D . 3.5 _ 4.2
E . 7.4 _ 7.6

 22 ) One of the following is not a recognized cause of delayed Onest of puberty ?
A . Turner syndrome
B . Mccune Albright syndrome
C . Anorexia nervosa
D . Kallmann syndrome
E . Craniopharyngioma

 23 ) A 19 weeks pregnant woman with Hb 9 g/dL , the cause was iron deficiency , the next step is ?
A . Do nothing because it is physiological .
B . Give IV iron .
C . Start IM iron .
D . Give high dose iron orally .
E . Give blood .
24) One of the following is not a normal physiological changes in pregnancy ?
A . Increase in the heart rate .
B . Increase in white cell count .
C . Increase in plasma volume .
D . Increase in glomerular filtration .
E . Increase in gastric emptying
 25 ) In the reproductive period the PH of the vagina is ?
A . 6 _ 8
B . 5 _ 6
C . 4 _ 5
D . 3 _ 4
E . 2 _ 3

 26) Regarding infertility , one is false ?
A . Infertility is inability of couples to conceive after one year of regular unprotected sexual intercourse .
B . Primary infertility it is infertility in the context of no prior pregnancy at all .
C . Female factor is a major factor of infertility .
D . Common cause of female factor is PCOS .
E . Clomiphene citrate is used in case of tubal cause of infertility
 27) All of the following are sexually transmitted disease except ?
A . Toxoplasmosis
B . Trichomoniasis
D . HSV2
E . Chancroid

 28) All of the following are causes of atonic postpartum hemorrhage except ?
A . Multiple gestation
B . Multiparity
C . Fibroid with pregnancy
D . Preeclampsia
E . Rapid and prolonged labor
 29) The age of menopause is ?
A . Related to regularity of menstrual cycle .
B . Related to last time of pregnancy .
C . Early menopause in case of smoking female .
D . Delayed menopause in case of alcoholic female .
E . Related to race and genetic factor .

 30 ) Menarche usually occurs between which years of age ?
A . 8 _ 10 years
B . 11 _ 13 years
C . 14 _ 16 years
D . 16 _ 18 years
E . 18 _ 20 years

 31 ) During pregnancy , what is the safest analgesic with the least fetal effect ?
A . Aspirin
B . Acetaminophen
C . Ibuprofen
D . Gabapentin
E . Diclofenac sodium

 32 ) A 75 year old woman has bilateral , solid adnexal masses . Mammography is normal , GI studies show a stomach lesion . Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis ?
A . Pick adenoma
B . Krukenberg tumor
C . Brenner tumor
D . Struma ovarii
E . Carcinoid tumor
 33 ) The relationship of the long axis of the fetus to the long axis of the mother is called ?
A . Lie
B . Position
C . Presentation
D . Attitude
E . Axis

 34 ) You are checking a term patient in labor . The examination of the fetal presentation feels unusual . Which of the following would be incompatible with spontaneous delivery ?
A . Occiput anterior
B . Occiput posterior
C . Mentum posterior
D . Occiput transverse
E . Mentum anterior
 35 ) When performing clinical pelvimetry in a gynecoid pelvis . The diagonal conjugate should be at least how many centimeters ?
A . 7.5
B . 9.5
C . 11.5
D . 13.5
E . 15.5

 36) During normal pregnancy a lowered hemoglobin is a physiological finding . What is the major cause ?
A . Low iron store's .
B . Blood lost to the placenta and fetus .
C . Increased plasma volume .
D . Increased red cell destruction .
E . Decreased red cell production from bone marrow .

 37 ) Regarding immunization during pregnancy , which of the following vaccines would be the safest to receive during pregnancy ?
A . Mumps
B . Polio
C . Rabies
D . Rubella
E . Rubeola

 38) An asymptomatic 25 year old pregnant woman is found on routine prenatal screening at 14 weeks gestation bacteriuria ( 100000 colonies / ml ) . What is her risk of developing pyelonephritis if untreated ?
A . 5 _ 10%
B . 20 _ 30 %
C . 40 _ 50 %
D . 60 _ 70 %
E . 90 _ 100 %

 39 ) Which of the following types of vulvar cancer occurs most commonly ?
A . Pagets
B . Squamous
C . Melanoma
D . Adenocarcinoma
E . Basal cell

 40) Which of the following factors is protective against endometrial hyperplasia ?
A . Obesity
B . Tamoxifen
D . Early Menarche and late menopause
E . Unopposed estrogen therapy

 41) A 18 year old female presents with abdominal pain . During the emergency department work up an adnexal mass is found . You suspect germ cell tumor . Her preoperative discussion that the most common germ cell tumor is ?
A . Dysgerminoma
B . Endodermal sinus tumor
C . Embryonal carcinoma
D . Choriocarcinoma
E . Mature teratoma

 42) A 40 year old woman is found on pelvic exam to have an enlarged uterus . Ultrasound reveals a well circumscribed intramural mass consistent with the leiomyoma . The patient ask what is the incidence of sacromatous degeneration in a uterine leiomyoma ?
A . < 1%
B . < 3%
C . 10 %
D . 15 %
E . 30 %
 43) A 38 year old multigravid woman complains of the painless loss of urine , beginning immediate with coughing , laughing , lifting , or straining . Which of the following is this history most suggestive of ?
A . Fistula
B . Stress incontinence
C . Urge incontinence
E . Overflow incontinence

 44) A 21 year old woman has Amenorrhea , mild vaginal spotting , pelvic pain , and left shoulder pain . Her vital signs are BP 90/40 mmhg , HR 120 bmp , RR 23 bmp . Abdominal exam shows LLQ tenderness with rebound . Pelvic exam shows painful 4 cm left adnexal mass . A serum pregnancy test is positive . A hemotocrit is 21% , which of the following the best next step ?
A . Observation
B . Estrogen therapy
C . Progesterone therapy
D . Methotrexate therapy
E . Immediate laparotomy

 45) The definitive treatment of preeclampsia is ?
A . Bed rest
B . Pregnancy termination
C . Antihypertensive drugs
D . Low salt diet
E . Magnesium sulfate

 46) A patient with Sheehan syndrome wishes to have another child . Ovulation can be induced using which of the following hormonal therapy ?
A . Low dose estrogen therapy .
B . Human menopausal gonadotropins .
C . Pulsatile GnRH .
D . Clomiphene citrate .
E . High dose estrogen therapy .

 47) A 22 year old woman with a history of ectopic pregnancy presents for contraceptive counseling . Which of the following contraceptive methods would be relatively or absolutely contraindicated ?
B . Mini pills
C . Tubal ligation
E . Male condoms

 48) A 20 year old patient complains of painful vulvar ulcers present for 72 hours . Examination reveals three tender , punched out lesions with a yellow exudate but no induration . Which of the following most likely diagnosis ?
A . Chancroid
B . Granuloma inguinale
C . HSV2
D . Lymphogranuloma venereum
E . Syphilis

 49) The three component of the cervical exam in labor include ?
A . Dilation , presentation , effacement .
B . Effacement , station , position .
C . Dilation , effacement , station .
D . Dilation , descent , presentation .
E . Presentation , descent , effacement

 50 ) In a young obese , chronically anovulatory woman with an elevated LH:FSH ratio and polycystic appearing ovaries , which of the following is the preferred initial method of ovulation induction ?
A . Metformin
B . Human menopausal gonadotropins
C . Pulsatile GnRH
D . Clomiphene citrate
E . Bromocriptine


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